MAY 1911



May 1st Worked in the cannery all day.
Walked down town with Lottie. Sollie
was over this eve.



May 2ndWorked to-day in the cannery.
"Nothing doing. 1 "


May 3rd Worked in the cannery until
2:30. Went down town. Bought me some
. Tubby was here, he walked down to
Nettleton’s with Bessie and I and also to
town with me. Kit wanted to go too
but she got “stinged” 2 Evelyn wouldn’t
let her.


May 4th Didnt work to-day, only at home.
Bessie and I went down town. I mopped
the floor this P.M. was hard on my
3 but Ev’s heart failed her so
she couldn’t do it. Ha! Ha!


May 5th Worked until noon. Went down
town and framed some pictures this P.M.


May 6th Worked until 2:30 this P.M.
Quit about 11:30 and brough B— 4 home


as she got sick. Ev and I went down town
then Sollie came over and we went to the
show. We got oysters in at . Got
in bed at 12 o’clock5.


May 7th Went with Ev and Bessie to the
. Bess had an operation, she was
talking everything. Ev and I stayed over
there until we starved out then we had
to come home and get something to eat
and go back again. Bess came home to.


May 8th Didn’t work. Ev and I washed.

We went over to Howes to get some
sour mild this eve.


May 9th Worked to-day. Went down town
with Lottie. Ev and I went to the show.


May 10th Worked to-day.


May 11th Word to-day. Nothing doing.
Phil was over this evening.



May 12th Worked to-day. Went down town this eve.


May 13th Worked all day. Helen Solomon came
up and stayed all night. We all went to
the show. Lottie took me.


May 14th Worked just about all day. Lottie
and I were going to Raymond, but Sollie backed
out and wouldn’t go. So Lottie and I went up
to Tompson' 6s for a while, went and got some
ice cream, and went to the show . Sollie and
Tubby and I took Lottie home then we
three had some ice cream then Sollie
brought me home.


May 15th Worked all day and until 9 o’clock
after supper. Sollie came home with me.


May 16th Worked to-day. Went over to Howe’s
to get some milk. Also went down town
7 across Tubby and we went to the the



May 17th Worked to-day. Mike, Lottie, Sollie and
I went to Raymond to a dance. Nice dance
that8. Had fried oysters. Waited 2 hr. 25 min.
for train. Got home at 2 o’clock9.


May 18th Didn’t work this A.M. Ev and
I went to town. Worked this P.M. Ev, Bess,
Laurence and I went to the show.


May 19th Stayed at home from work. Ev
and I went down town. I went over to
the cannery and depot. Went and stayed
All night down at Tompson’10s with Lottie.


May 20th Come to work about 9 o’clock.
Bess, Ruby, Ev, Clarice, Eunice and I
went to the show.


May 21th Stayed at home all day.


May 22th Worked all day and until 9 in
the eve. Sollie didn’t bring me home to-night.
He never will again. The past can


never return. Ain’t I sorry? (Nit)11 All
But the sorry. There’s as many good fish
as ever were caught still swimming
in the sea. (Oh Slush.)12


May 23rd13 Worked all day.


May 24th Worked to-day. Bob Lawler took
Bessie, Georgie and I to the show this eve.


May 25th Worked again to-day. We all
got off at five and Bob and Clyde came
after us in the and took us
down to the store. They gave 14 us two
big sacks of candy and an orange.


May 26th Worked all day and until 8:30
this eve. Had quite a fight at the cannery.
Chink and De Bow. Bob walked home
with me. Clyde with Bessie.


May 27th Worked to-day. Went down
to the Pioneer with Ev and Georgie.


Georgie turned on the fire alarm for
the electric light switch. Went to the
dance. Came home with Mr. Johnson.


May 28th Lottie and I went to Frances
this morning, came back this afternoon,
about all in. Lester fell down 15 hurt
his arm again. Poor Kid.


May 29th Worked to-day. Pressed Lester’s suit.


May 30th Worked all day. Took Lester’s suit
over to the cannery for him. Marguerite and
I were up on the talking.


May 31th Worked all day. Went to the show
with Harry Johnson. Gee but I hated
to go. Had supper at Casey’s.


1. nothing doing:   ↩

2. Original: for; Emendation: so  ↩

3.  hard on my nerves:   ↩

4.  Bessie.   ↩

5.  12 o’clock in the morning.   ↩

6.  Refer to footnote #8.   ↩

7.  Original: Run; Emendation: Ran  ↩

8.  It is unclear if employing “that” at the end of the sentence is indicative of slang or if Kezia didn’t finish her thought.   ↩

9.  2 o’clock in the morning.   ↩

10.  Here, Kezia employs an apostrophe. Hence, the reason for my emendation in the May 14 entry as I believe it was an accidental variant on the author’s part.   ↩

11.  Nit:  ↩

12.  Oh Slush:  ↩

13.  Original: th; Emendation: rd  ↩

14.  Original: give; Emendation: gave  ↩

15.  Original: a; Emendation: and  ↩