APRIL 1911



April 12 th Well, here I am starting another book
of my life [,] I hope it will be as interesting as
the first one is. I will now proceed to tell the
events of the day. First thing on the program,
Bessie and I went down on the . I read in a
book, Bessie wrote a letter, we also went to the
store for the mail (not male.) This evening Sollie
cut Bessie’s and my hair, Don’t we look like seven
hundred dollars though? Ha! Ha! Lottie and I walked
up to the store this evening, quite a time, we had.


April 13th Bessie, Lester and I walked over to Georgetown
to go to South Bend with the Indians in their
launch but they didn’t go, so we walked to
Tokeland and went on the . Walked
six miles in one hour. Going some. 1 Oh, that
Kit Mooney is a rustler 2 alright. Mooney came
up to Ev’s for supper, then we four walked
down Broadway.



April 14th We came back to North Cove this A.M.
Worked in the . Lottie and I went up to
the store. Had quite a time talking politics.


April 15th Worked awful had to-day, didn’t hurt
myself any though.


April 16th To-day is Easter Sunday and the wonderful
was played at Tokeland. North Cove
got beat. The score was 11 to 7. Bessie and I didn’t
go, we walked up to Smiths and to Georgetown.
Worked in the cannery this A.M.


April 17th Worked to-day. Helen and I went up to
Anderson’s and coming home we went over to the
and looked in at the window and
watched them make doughnuts. We threw a piece
of wood in a hole in the window and scared
them half to death. They caught us and washed
our faces with flour.


April 18th Worked to-day. Went to town with


Bessie, then Lottie wanted me to go with her after
I got back. Was out to the bon-fire for about a
half a second.


April 19th Worked again to-day. Helen, Bessie and I
went to the , stopped at the swing a while.
Sollis, Tubby, Bessie, Mooney and I had quite a
bit of excitement in the kitchen this evening.


April 20th Didn’t work to-day. I was down on the
beach all alone. Was over talking to Lottie across
the fence, Bessie and I 3 out by a log, we also
went to town, got lost in woods coming
back. Ha! Ha! That Casey is just crazy over
me. That’s the first I knew about it.


April 21th Didn’t work again to-day. Got a card
from Ott telling us to come home as the Kits
have the measles. So here we are again in South
Bend. Wonderful city, that


April 22th Clerked at Stoppleman’s all day.


Do not like to clerk very well. Got home at
11 o’clock. Phil brought me to the gate.


April 23th Did not go any place to-day.
Stayed at home and . All of Mr.
Vermillion’s came over and Lewis for
a while. I guess he went off sore, but
who cares, I don’t. Bessie and I went
up on a hill over by Monohan’s. We
got scared and came down pretty fast.
Both fell down.


April 24th Went down town. Helped
wash, dyed my black.
Bessie and I went for a walk, scared us coming back.


April 25th Helped iron and made me a black
in 2 ½ hrs. Going some. 1


April 26th Stayed at home all day. Lewis,
Marguerite and Rebecca were over this eve.


Marguerite and Rebecca, Laurence and I were over to
Monohan’s this eve.


April 27th Bessie and I and Laurence climbed a
hill this eve. Phil, Marguerite and Rebecca
were over.


April 28th Phil, Laurence, Marguerite, Rebecca
and I climbed a hill this eve.


April 29th Bessie and I went to town three
times to-day. Went over to the cannery.


April 30th Marguerite, Rebecca and I walked
up to the old hill to see the big steamer
. Then Lewis and Bessie and us
three girls went aboard, the first ocean steamer
I was ever on. All of Jack’s and Uncle Andrew
and Aunt 4 were over this afternoon.


1. going some: an expression used in the early 1900s: the acknowledgement
of a high level of achievement.   ↩

2. rustler: noun. an energetic or vigorous person   ↩

3. Correct Spelling: sitting   ↩

4. Correct spelling: Tilda, this is how Kezia spells her Aunt's
name throughout the subsequent entries.   ↩