JUNE 1911


June 1st Worked to-day.


June 2nd Worked to-day, Lottie came up
and we have out picture taken.
Lottie dressed in Ott's cloths.


Lottie and I went to town, met Sollie
and he took us to the show. Hope
Rusty doesn’t find it out or she would
kill us. Took Lot part way home.
Sollie and I didn’t stop long at the
gate to-night. Ha! Ha!


June 3rd Worked this morning, we all
got the P.M. I went over to
Nettleton’s. Ev, Bess, and I went down
town to the show. Bess wanted to
go to the dance but “Nothing stirring,”
Got me a new hat paid $5.50.


June 4th Stayed at home all day, was
in bed most of the day, went down town
about 8 o’clock and over to Uncle Andrew’s.


June 5th Went to town twice, Mr., Mrs.
and Charlotte Solomon were over for
supper. Lewis came over to. Went over


to the to see a couple friends
off. Am sorry I “butted ” in but to
late now. Went up and bid Lot Bye, Bye.


June 6th Stayed at home all day, pressed
Bessie’s red dress. Ironed some clothes.
Lewis, Frank and Phil were over
to-day, not all at the same time though.


June 7th Got up pretty early to catch the
morning train and come to Portland.
Change at , waited two hrs. Got
lunch at a resterant where the pie was
moldy. Got to talking to Mr. Ni Harts
and a fellow and his uncle from .
The fellow was certainly soft. Ditched
them when we reached Portland.
Mr. Ni Hart found a lodging house
for us at a private family, on or I


Went to a resterant with them and
got supper and saw H.H. or some
body that looks just like him. He is [a]
in resterant. Hunted up
Sollie’s uncle, found him. Took in show.


June 8th Went down and got breakfast.
One hasher wanted us to him on
and go to the parade. We went. ()
Found Sollie and Helen to-day, went with
them to the city park. When we went
to get supper, Harry told us to stick
around a few days and he would
show us a good time.


June 9th Went and saw the parade this
morning. Sollie came up this P.M. and
we went down on the bridge and saw
the fancy swimming. Sollie came up and
stayed for a few hours. Ev and I went


down to supper and took a car to
. Saw Harry down there and
he and Percy took Ev and I
the Foolish House, The Cave of the Winds
and The Old Mill. Then they left and a
Chicago Millionaire with the accent on
the millionaire asked me to ride on the
with him. So we did. Then
he and the other fellow he was with
brought us home on the boat. We got
home at 1 o’clock. Had a swell time.


June 10th Started home to-day, but missed
the train. Harry said, “You will go to
the Oaks, will you?” Stayed all night at
the saw the .


June 11th Did manage to catch the .
this morning. Waited from 1:40 to 7:55 in
Chehalis. I went to sleep in the depot.


Walked around the town, made several
. Sollie came on e the evening train
and we went and got supper. Got to
S.B. at 11:00 Sollie walked home with
me. Lewis was over to meet Ev.


June 12th Stayed at home all day. Sollie
and Josie were over this evening.


June 13th Stayed at home all day.


June 14thWent down town this P.M.
Otis walked home with me.


June 15th Stayed home all day.


June 16th Went to down with Ev this eve.


June 17th Stayed home all day. Oh it is
so different to-day, from what it was
one year ago to-day. I was the happiest
sitting on Harry’s lap, with his loving
arms clasped around me. (Ha, Ha,)
(A sad sad story.)



June 18th Mrs. ^and Mr. Howe, Arthur and Frank
Hinning were her for dinner. We all
I mean Mr. and Mrs. Howe, Mrs. aybell
Bess, Ev and myself went out to in Howe’s wagon. The road was
long and weary, and I was cold and
dreary, so I didn’t enjoy it very much. Was
glad when we arrived at Fishburn Castle.
Two houses burned down this morning.
I got up at about 4 o'clock this “ ”
and watched the smoke curl up over
the hill. Bess, Laurence and I went
down town and up to see the ruins.
Feel pretty good to-day. Considering the
fight Bess and I had last night.
Certainly some hair pulling in that fight
it’s a wonder I’ve got any left to comb.
Never had much anyway.



June 19th Stayed home all day. Nothing Doing.


June 20th Stayed at home all day. Evelyn
Bessie and I went to an intertainment
and dance at the . Had a
great time. Came home with Ed. Harris
Ate supper with Lewis. Got the first
prize. Had to help cut the cakes. Great
prize, I must say. Got home at 12:0.


June 21th Stayed home all day. Went to
sleep this P.M.


June 22th Marguerite and Rebecca were over.
Marguerite and I went to town. Got 3 letters.


June 23rd Stayed home all day. Phil was over.


June 24th Stayed at home until evening then Ev,
Bess and I walked out to Axford’s to a
dance and shower on Orville Schooler.
He and Mary Clausen were married the 22nd.
Ed. Harris walked home with me. Got home at
3 o’clock.


June 25th Stayed home all day Ed. H— came over
and stayed until 12. Tried my best to him
but no go. I will yet though.


June 26th Stayed at home. I’m chief cook and
bottle washer these days.


June 27th Stayed at home and ironed.


June 28th Home again to-day. Lewis was
over about 10 minutes. Josephine, Bill
Axford and Ed. Harris were over this eve.
Jo and Bill stayed until 9:30 and Ed until 11:30.


June 29th Stayed at home all day went to town
with Ev, Bess and Lawrence. Frank Hinning
and Ernest were here this evening.


June 30th Stayed at home to-day. Marguerite
and Rebecca were here this eve.